• Eden Apple
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  • What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say

What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say

And 1 mistake that is keeping you away in your approach

You see beautiful girls everywhere: at the mall, in the bookstore, at the park, in the club.

So why is it you don't approach them?

Why is it you don't try to start a little conversation?

Why is it you continually let these opportunities walk right on by you and out of your life?

No confidence you say.

Don't know what to say you say.

Afraid of rejection you say.

What if you knew EXACTLY what to say? What if you had some little opening phrase that you knew would get a positive response and start a nice little conversation?

Then you would approach, right? Every girl, every time, everywhere!

No girl would be safe from your charm. You would be a girl-getting machine.

If you knew what to say, if you knew how to get a positive response, then you would have confidence. And if you had this confidence you would be unstoppable.

Well, today I'm going to tell you WHAT to say, HOW to say it, and WHY you want to do it this way.

Do This!

Pay very close attention because this is tricky.

One wrong word, one wrong syllable, and it could all blow up in your face, and leave you the laughingstock of your city. (You'd probably have to move.)




The next time you see a girl that you want to approach — a really cute girl that is just sooo your type — I want you to think of the most boring, trite, and unimaginative thing you could possibly say. Then I want you to walk up to her, smile, look her in the eyes, AND SAY IT!

Don't Do This!

You see, my friend, the thing that's KILLING YOU and keeping you from meeting all kinds of amazing women is that you're trying to be CLEVER!

You're trying to think of something cool, unique, intelligent, and witty to say. Some way to approach that sets you apart from every other guy and makes her go "WOW! WHAT A MAN!"

And since it's very unlikely that you're going to come up with something cool, unique, intelligent, and witty that will blow her away and make her fall head over heels for you... then you're not going to say anything at all.

She's going to walk off... and you're never going to see her again!

Possibly the girl of your dreams. Gone! Forever!

That's why you're going to say something NOT clever, NOT unique, and NOT original. Because it doesn't really matter what you say.

The important thing is that you say something. ANYTHING!



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