The Biggest Thing Men Are Ignoring

*This is killing your dates*

Men, start paying attention to the skincare on your face

Women will notice it.

Whether it’s aging of your skin, acne, or bad smell - you have to do something about it.

The skin above your neck requires special care more than the skin on your back and legs. 

Sunscreen will make sure the sun isn’t drying you out like a raisin. 

“Okay, but what is the main benefit besides my appearance?”

This will keep your skin looking youthful for the long term. This is a cheap way to stop wrinkles from showing up. 

Most of the time if it costs more, it’s better BUT that’s a decision you need to make. 

You can go down the rabbit hole and start looking into exfoliation, serums, toners, and eye creams. 

But for now – stick to the basics.

Make sure you're washing your face with a facial cleanser in the morning AND at night.

Afterward, apply the moisturizer.

Why apply it at night right before bed? 

You want to hydrate your skin during those 8-12 hours of sleep you get in.

If you're not doing this already, start. 

You'll notice a difference.

All the best,


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