Are you a simp or a gentleman? 

Let’s dive into this… 

Today's culture has left men confused. With podcasts like ‘Whatever’ and influencers speaking on how men and women should act. 

The public is more confused than ever before. 

The line between being a simp or a gentleman is almost in a fluid-like state. 

There are men who believe holding the door open for your lady makes you a simp. On the opposite side, there are men who believe letting your lady have sex with other men is being a gentleman…

Today you WILL understand what being a gentleman really is. 

What is a Gentleman?

Google defines being a gentleman as “A chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man.”

Let’s dive into this… 

Chivalry -  Think of a noble night. You’re a man who puts others (especially those weaker than him) before himself. You stick up for what is right even when there are consequences. 

Courteous - You’re polite. In other words, you hold doors open for people. You mind your tongue and speak life into others. Above all, you are respectful to everyone until they show they’re undeserving. 

Honorable - You’re trusted by others because you’re a man who does what is right even when others aren’t watching. There is never a time when you would go against your morals. 

Being a gentleman isn’t something you do with women. It’s a way of life

You can’t fake being a gentleman – you have to make the choice every day to LIVE like one. 

Whenever you’re in a situation where you don’t know how to respond think of the three characteristics above. 

Ask yourself, what would a chivalrous, courteous, and honorable man do?

Then do that!

Always the best, 


Side Note:

The fastest way to become a strong masculine leader – is to learn from one. 

You may have some around you that you can model and be mentored by. 

If you don’t, OR you want even more help you’ll be interested in this…


or to participate.