NEVER Say to Woman This 1 Thing

*Game over guaranteed*

My policy has always been: never say to a woman she’s beautiful.

If you're talking to her, she fully knows that you find her attractive.

Beautiful women crave to be valued for something other than looks.

Complimenting her on her looks immediately puts you into her mental and emotional "file cabinet" as just another salivating admirer.

When my friend first met his fiance (whom he met from an online site, by the way) he was pleasantly surprised to see that she looked way better than her already attractive profile picture.

He never complimented nor mentioned her looks, and she is a stunner.

Once, via text, he floated a vague compliment about her appearance and he could tell that she didn't value that very much at all.

I think the best rule of thumb is to differentiate yourself by finding other, less tangible things to compliment her on.

Have you ever seen a YouTube video of a woman doing anything at all, and in the comments you see all these guys saying "You're so beautiful!"?

It gives you a sickening feeling, doesn't it?

These simps are telegraphing loud and clear that she has them under her spell, just because of her hair and makeup.

You need to differentiate yourself from being categorized as one of them.

All the best,



Remember... if most other guys are doing something, it is OFTEN a wise idea to do the opposite.

Instead of gawking and drooling and going on and on about how beautiful she is...

What if you made it clear that it takes much MORE than mere physical beauty to impress YOU?

Do you think that might set you apart from other guys?

Do you think that might intrigue her and make her want to win you over?

- Cleopatra


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