I’m the new Santa…

My little elves and I have been working around the clock to build something HUGE. 

So big that Santa couldn’t fit it on his sleigh…

Instead, you’ll get THIS gift in your inbox tomorrow.   

7 NEW products for any part of your dating journey.

Including a highly anticipated 1-on-1 Coaching Offer where I will be giving you ALL of my knowledge. 

  • How to pick up girls when out in public. 

  • How to understand her more than she does. 

  • The best texting methods to get her out on a date. 

  • PLUS, easy-to-follow methods/templates.

Honestly, if I told you everything that was in these products I would run out of room in this email.

Want to learn more about them?

You have to wait for Santa to come by tomorrow, be on the lookout for a new email in your inbox. 

Always the best, 



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