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  • Here’s how to gain confidence to approach 10/10 girl

Here’s how to gain confidence to approach 10/10 girl

There’s one investment that will guarantee you that

There’s one investment that will guarantee you that:

Your local gym.

Why Gym? And even better, WHY local?

1. Lifting weights increase your testosterone level up to 50%

2. You look bigger, stronger, smarter…

I can talk about benefits for hours but I am not another “guru” that will waste your time.

Women don’t want weak geek with skinny arms and neck - you already know that.

So, here’s what you should do:

Find yourself a local gym with “community”.

Crossfit, muay thai, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, etc.

Those are the type of places where you see and compete with the SAME people daily.

More motivation to work out and progress.

Imagine looking 8 months later - Jacked like a hulk with bigger arms than your own head. if you put in the reps

If you’re regularly going to the gym not only are you building relationships, making friends, but most importantly for you…

Meeting more women.


I know what you think in your head.

If you’re going to pursue a girl at your gym, you need to make sure she’s worth it.

The last thing you want is to date a girl, have a crazy breakup, and create an awkward situation where one of you will need to find a new gym.

Can you imagine seeing the same woman walking down the hall at the gym and reminding yourself about the pastpast of your relationship?

It would be torture…

Get to know people, gain some muscle, be more sociable and women will notice it.

Your goal is to become “that” guy.

All the best,


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