• Eden Apple
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  • Go from a peasant to a KING - you were given a gift…

Go from a peasant to a KING - you were given a gift…

DOUBLE your value, year after year for your entire existence. 

Being born a man is the best thing that has ever happened to you. You have the ability to build yourself into anything you want.

Like video games, trials and hardships upgrade your character to the highest status.

Why stay living a mediocre life when the life of your dreams is right within your grasp?

This blessing is only bestowed on men.

Women are born with their value (youth & beauty). This is why they’re always so fixated on improving this with pounds of makeup & plastic surgery.

The older they get the more their value diminishes.

But you have the blessing to DOUBLE your value, year after year for your entire existence.

Even if you’re a simp that watches porn for hours a day. OR, you smoke pounds of weed watching your life pass you by.

With 3-6 months of pure will and determination – you can turn yourself into a terminator. Demolishing every obstacle in your path, battle-hardened by the mountain you have climbed.

Become a man with options:

  • Make a List - Who do you want to be? What do you want your life to look like? Write it out then 10X it. You want it to be so big that you think ‘How am I going to get this done’.

  • Kill Everything - The reason you don’t have the success you want today is that you’re not doing what the man who has those things is doing. It’s time to be brutally honest with yourself. ANYTHING that you’re doing that does not propel you towards that goal has to stop today.

  • Fill Your Time - The free time you now have from dropping habits needs to be filled. You are going to break your huge goals down into tiny tasks that you can do every day. EX: Goal to become a pro bodybuilder; every day you need to be lifting/dieting, etc. This ensures you progress towards your goals.

  • Terminator Status - You WILL want to quit, don’t. I want you to double down and change your identity. Go towards your goals with relentless ambition. Frothing at the mouth every morning ready to attack your task list. You. Must. Succeed. 

I will end with this famous statement.

If you were born broke it is not your fault – but dying broke is entirely your responsibility… Get to work. 

Always the best,


If you feel that you’re ‘too far gone’ then this is for you.

This is meant to fast-track you to success. Giving you the tools necessary to pass the competition leaving them in the dust.

If you’re ready to live your dream – f*cking beautiful women and living lavishly…


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