Girls DON’T want to have fun

You’ve been lied to…

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve heard someone say; 

“Girls just want to have fun.”

This is a bold-faced LIE, let me explain…

More than anything girls want a man they can submit to. 

They NEED a life where all the hard decisions are made for them.

Girls use the phrase “Girls want to have fun” as an excuse to participate in degenerate activities.

Look at yourself – maybe you scroll on social media too much, or indulge in the occasional “smoke sesh”. 

Looking back on those moments did you want to do that? Or were you taking a shortcut to dopamine?

It’s the same for girls. Their short-term happiness comes from getting attention from several men at once. 

But their long-term happiness comes from being with ONE man and submitting to HIM. 

THIS is your job…

First, you need to quit chasing girls that live in the short term. It’s not your job to convince them otherwise. 

Now that you’re going after the right women you have 1 simple job.

Chase absolute success in every area of your life – financially, relationally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Create an environment where the right woman feels safe submitting to you

It shouldn’t even be a question for her she should naturally WANT to do so. 

Waiting to build this life until you get the girl means you’re already too late.

This lifestyle should be in place BEFORE she’s even in the picture. 

(Here’s a secret) if you’re not attracting high-value women ready to submit… you’re life isn’t ready yet.

(One more tip) if you’re still smoking weed, aimlessly going through life, & have no real ambition – you’ve got a LOT of work to do. 

Start NOW. 

Always the best, 



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