When she asks “What are we?”


When you hear this it means only 1 thing.

She is falling for you fast. 

You’ve passed all of her tests and now she wants you to herself. 

At this moment you have ALL of the power…

Whatever you do don’t be quick to answer, give some thought to what YOU want. 

  • Do you want to be exclusive?

  • Do you want to have more fun?

  • Do you see yourself with her long-term?

When you come to a solid answer use one of these responses….

  • “Let’s not rush into any labels…”

  • “You’re my girl, of course…”

Depending on your desire, either of these are a good foundation to craft your response. 

Be proud of yourself for getting to this point!

Always the best,



You may never get asked this question…

That’s the reality for 88% of men today, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

My MODERN solution allows you to get any girl you want from the comfort of your home. 

Without any of the BS that love gurus usually sell, this is 100% focused on you getting success with women. 


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