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  • 5 Reason Why women Won’t Sleep with You

5 Reason Why women Won’t Sleep with You

You could be making any of these mistakes!

Women can be turned off in many ways, but some of them are particularly intolerable.

If you're currently doing any of the actions I’m about to tell you, it’s never too late to change some habits.

Poor hygiene 🪥

Don’t be the guy who carries a bad smell everywhere he goes, making people do facial expressions of repulsion.

Look fresh; no stays or wrinkles in clothes, have a good haircut, smell nice, and stay clean.

Arrogance 😤: 

Being over arrogant can make you look childish and also tends to irritate women. 

Stay silent and don’t say too much; it will make you look more mature and intelligent.

Lack of manners 🎩:

Women dislike men who are rude to them or don’t show respect or any manners.

Always be a gentleman, open doors, be polite, and ensure she feels valued.

Selfishness 💼:

Being selfish síganls a lack of empathy’s to women.

Demonstrating leadership by prioritizing others will reflect your masculinity and also kindness.

Negativity ⛈️:

If your the kind of guy who has a storm cloud above his head, it will bring down the mood for women.

Look confident and with positive energy.

Try to avoid any of these mistakes man do all the time


What if I told you there is a way to attract any women to you?

(More affordable than most products on the market)

Best regards,

Coach Cleopatra.


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