4 Things that make her WET...

Start seeing REAL success with dating.

You can be a man of high status. Who walks with confidence wherever you go – those around you put at ease with you leading the way.

Women will want you, and other men want to BE you.

No more being the ‘nice guy’ who gets chewed up and left behind by the women you want.

By taking these 4 qualities and adopting them for yourself you will seduce any girl with ease.

Make Her Want You

  1. You Need a Purpose - Any high-status man has a vision he WILL make a reality. This is his driving force propelling him forward to higher and higher levels. She loves a man who is busier than she is.

  1. She Loves You Most - When it comes to the level of love she is the winner between the two of you. You treat her like a queen but your number 1 priority will be your purpose and providing/protecting for her. Her number 1 priority is to be your peace. 

  1. She’s “Out of Your League” - When it comes to beauty, you’re nowhere near her level. Beauty is a woman's arena, it’s where her value comes from. To keep the power dynamic correct she needs to be more attractive than you.

  1. You’re a Bad Boy - She listens to you as you lead the way. You’re not a nice little simp that bends to her will. You do what you think is right no matter what others say. You have the ability to harm others although you don’t do it for no reason.

Leverage these to your advantage to start seeing REAL success with dating.

Or, you can keep struggling to get the women you truly want, while the real men attract them with ease.

It’s up to you…

Always the best,



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