10 Rules For Success With Women

In this quick email today I have 10 of the most important things you need to remember in order to be successful with Any woman. Anywhere. At any time.

A true ripped-in muscle man with a BIG mansion and the ladies... 

1) Is always striving to improve himself and to minimize or eliminate his flaws.

2) Makes no excuses for his desires as a man.

3) Always takes action, and never hesitates with women.

4) Knows he is the prize, not the woman.

5) Goes for the close (or walks away if he decides he doesn't want her).

6) Smiles, uses strong eye contact and kino (touching).

7) Takes sexual initiative when the time is right (i.e. kisses her without asking, leads her to the bedroom, etc.)

8) Respects women, but respects himself more and doesn't tolerate disrespect from a woman.

9) Does not let a woman take precedence over his dreams and ambitions.

10) Looks and feels good all the time.

If you simply follow these 10 rules, not only will you do well with women, but you'll have far less stress in your life.


#1 Online Men Dating Coach


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