1 TIP to attract Model P***Y…

You’ll be mad you didn’t try this sooner.

When your friends are jealous of how many hot women you can take home in one night – you’ll be mad you didn’t try this sooner.

When it comes to “closing the deal” you’ve had your fair share of success. But, YOU WANT MORE.

You’ve tried your hardest to break past this wall. And with none of your friends to give you advice (since you’ve surpassed them) you feel stuck…

You’re Missing 1 Thing:

You have to give her an excuse. 

Right now you make it obvious that your end goal is sex. It may work with some girls – but the highest-value women run from this. 

Taking your time to make her feel comfortable goes a LONG way. A woman has to be at peace to get into your bed. 

Here’s how you do it…

At the end of the conversation invite her to take action on something. 

For EX: If you meet her on the street ask her if she’s free for coffee later.

What does this do? It gives her an excuse to go out with you. Taking her walls down and making her feel more comfortable.

The better you get at giving her excuses to spend time with you. The more success you’ll have. Try it out. 

Always the best, 



This will only get you so far.

There’s more to becoming a true playboy than making her feel comfortable. Only I couldn’t possibly go over it all here.

If you’re a man who strives to be the BEST. Jumping at every problem with ferocity. 


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